Enrichment days
The Enrichment Team want to gain insight into how our school can make Enrichment days the best they can possibly be to benefit all students. We want to understand the perfect balance between fun, interesting, and educational that will provide everyone with both the skills and knowledge they need in life, with social activities in the mix for an enjoyable day off timetable! A day separated from the usual curriculum must be important, and our goal is to plan Enrichment sessions that add, rather than take away, from the exceptional education BSCS provides.
The environmental team have a number of ambitious plans to improve the outdoor spaces at BSCS. Our main project is to renovate the courtyards: we're hoping to provide better habitats for insects and other small creatures as well as making it a space for students to use throughout the year.
The anti-bullying team want to focus on bringing to light the problems that usually fly under the radar. We want to challenge stigmas and correct inappropriate comments and behaviours. We know bullying isn’t going to go away overnight but we want to provide future generations with the tools necessary to identify and stop bullying, as well as informing them on what bullying actually looks like.
Diversity and awareness
The diversity and awareness team's main goal is to promote and to raise awareness of the many different groups within BSCS and to make it an inclusive and welcoming community. We want your voices to be heard!
The BSCS podcast has been set up by the Student Leadership Team, as a way of creating a new era of communication between year groups, parents and teachers. We discuss a range of topics on the podcasts, from mental health issues, to advice from sixth form students, to revisions tips. Our podcast is a safe space to have conversations about important topics and give peer to peer support. The podcast will also have some special star guests on soon!
Tuck shop
The tuck shop team wants to bring a wide range of snacks and drinks to the Post 16 students. Our goal is to feed the hungry minds of our students so they can perform at the highest level possible!